
Jackass Quote of the Day

"I should try it because, do you know how fabulous I'd look. I'd be so skinny. I mean, the camera adds ten pounds." -Fox News' Andrea Tantaros on the SNAP challenge

Could you live off $133 per month ($4 per day) for food? Personally I know I couldn't, but according to Fox News serious person Andrea Tantaros, doing so sounds like a great idea because she would look "fabulous" afterward.

Tantaros' remarks were made in response to Fox News host Stuart Varney following a short but pointless discussion about Newark Mayor Cory Booker taking the SNAP challenge in a faceoff with his critics. And Tantaros may think she would look "fabulous" after living off food stamps for an extended period of time, but the truth is she would not look fabulous, feel fabulous, or perform fabulously in her day-to-day life.

People who survive on food stamps are tired, they have trouble focusing on their duties, and they're constantly hungry. There's nothing glamorous about it. And to imply that people on food stamps actually have it pretty good because their budget does not allow them to eat more is gloriously asshole-ish.

I'm sure most of those who have no choice other than to go hungry, and thus lose weight, would rather not be in that position.