War On Women

Republican Outreach: Another Round of Abortion Legislation

It appears that the next wave in the War on Women is about to come ashore in Wisconsin.

The state's largest anti-abortion group sees opportunities to place further regulations on abortion, including requiring women seeking the procedure to view an ultrasound of their fetuses.

Wisconsin Right to Life is also proposing banning abortions that would cause pain to the fetus, barring abortions that are sought based on the sex of the fetus and prohibiting the ability of state employees to use their state health care plans to get access to abortions.

"I support all those measures and would gladly be a lead or co-sponsor on any of them," said Rep. Joel Kleefisch, R-Oconomowoc. "Any measure to protect life is of the utmost highest priority."

And in Arkansas

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Abortion opponents in Arkansas see an opportunity to enact new restrictions, including a ban on the use of telemedicine to make the abortion pill available, with Republicans controlling both sides of the Legislature in next year's session.

Fresh off an election where Republicans won control of the state House and Senate for the first time in 138 years, GOP lawmakers and anti-abortion groups are now focusing on a handful of bills they believe have a better chance.

The "utmost highest priority" (redundancy anyone?) is abortion.

Not the economy, or infrastructure, or the environment. Abortion.

If this is what Republicans consider to be an outreach effort, I can only imagine what a campaign of scorn would look like.