The Daily Banter

The Contra-Reality Election

My Election Day column...

So this is it. In several hours we'll know whether millions of Americans will receive affordable, portable, and, in some cases, non-profit healthcare. We'll know whether women will retain their basic human rights and personal dignity. We'll know whether American voters have re-elected the president or elevated a man who represents and indeed boasts everything that caused the Great Recession.

Certainly there have been other elections this pivotal. 1860, 1932, 2000 and 2008 are definitely on this list. But in our lifetimes, I don't recall another election when the stakes were higher -- when the lives of millions might not only be enhanced but, in fact, saved if the incumbent president is re-elected. And, remarkably enough, we're talking about laws that are already on the books and a Republican challenger who, as part of his agenda, has vowed to repeal those laws as his primary goal.

But there's not much else I can write at this point to convince anyone to vote for the president. So then what have we learned?

We've faced a Republican Party that's reduced campaigning to new depths of deception and cynicism. [continued]

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