The Daily Banter

The Daily Banter Mail Bag Loves Schadenfreude

This week's questions for me, Chez and Ben:

1) I know you've talked about this before but given the beating the Republicans took on Tuesday do you think ANYTHING will change in the GOP? Will they muzzle the crazies? Will they compromise? Will they stop locking themselves in an informational echo chamber? Or do you think everything will stay the same as in Obama's first term?
-- Marie

2) Do you think social media have (or will) fundamentally changed the way campaigns are run? Facebook offers a venue for quick, cheap bumper stick sloganeering (you know what I'm talking about), but it also gives an opportunity to address the issue immediately and directly. If a friend posted some garbage talking point about gas prices, the economy ,or welfare drug tests, I could immediately fact check them with sources. Granted, it would rarely change that person's mind, but how many of that person's friends see the rebuttal? Do you think that this election will be the last time a campaign is run as cynically as Romney's because of social media changing the way we interact politically?
-- Mike

3) How fucked is Karl Rove?
-- Carlos

Answers here.