War On Women

Republican Outreach

After temporarily supporting exceptions for rape and incest during the presidential campaign, Paul Ryan is back to supporting legislation that would effectively ban abortion without exception.

Despite the deep unpopularity of fetal personhood bills in 2012, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has again decided to cosponsor the Sanctity of Human Life Act, a bill that gives full legal rights to human zygotes from the moment of fertilization. [...]

The personhood bill, first introduced in 2011 by Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.) and reintroduced by Broun last week, specifies that a "one-celled human embryo," even before it implants in the uterus to create a pregnancy, should be granted "all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood." Similar legislation has been rejected by voters in multiple states, including the socially conservative Mississippi, because legal experts have pointed out that it could outlaw some forms of birth control and in vitro fertilization as well as criminalize abortion at all stages.

Broun said in a statement that a zygote's right to life should be "defended vigorously and at all costs."

Life should be defended vigorously and at all costs?

Unfortunately Republicans in congress and anti-choice advocates don't share the same view for people who have already been born, or those who were born 6 or 7 years ago and attended elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. For some reason their lives are far less important than zygotes. Or in this case, their lives are less important than a "one-celled human embryo."

For some reason the lives of the 500 people murdered in Chicago last year, primarily by guns imported from other states, are less important than zygotes.

It's Republican outreach.