
They Aren’t Hiding It

It's not news that Ann Coulter makes a living by saying terrible things, but ever since her and Bill O'Reilly shared a tender moment while lamenting the browning of America following the November election, her and her colleagues seem to be spending less effort than ever to hide their naked racism.

Right-wing firebrand Ann Coulter on Monday said that the United States has a demographic problem rather than a gun problem, arguing that the country has a comparable murder rate to Belgium "if you compare white populations."

Coulter just returned from a trip to England, where she said residents "have not bought into this whole diversity enthusiasm."

"On the gun crimes, we keep hearing how low they are in Europe, and oh, they're so low, and they have no guns," Coulter told Fox's Sean Hannity. "If you compare white populations, we have the same murder rate as Belgium."

And thus Colin Powell was vindicated.

It's that "dark vein of intolerance," or what we like to refer to as Republican Outreach.