
Horse Meat Isn’t So Bad. Comparatively.

They found traces of horse meat in the beef that's supplied to Burger King stores in the UK.

And you know what? The horse meat isn't anywhere near the worst thing about eating a Burger King sandwich. Until a couple of years ago, Burger King meat contained the ammonia-washed byproduct filler material known as "pink slime." Combine that with the fat, sodium and caloric count, it's crap in a bun. And the bun is crap, too. Meanwhile, NPR reports:

Horsemeat actually contains just as much protein and far less fat than beef, according to nutritionists.

If you're worried that eating horse is somehow more cruel than eating cows because horses are noble, visit a meat processing plant sometime. It's a hellscape no matter what, from the exploited undocumented workers to the processing techniques.