
Stay Classy, Gun Fetishists

The families of the victims of the Sandy Hook school shooting don’t have a monopoly on being harassed by gun fetishists and conspiracy theorists. According to ABC news, victims and witnesses to the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting, where 12 people were killed and 70 wounded, are also being impersonated and having their addresses published in maps.

Victims and witnesses in the Colorado theater shootings have been pestered by conspiracy theorists, impersonated in court filings and had their addresses and phone numbers posted online, prosecutors said.

In a document made public late Wednesday, District Attorney George Brauchler said some victims are concerned for their safety because of the unwanted attention. [...]

In a court filing dated Tuesday, Brauchler said some victims have been subjected to “relentless contacts by proponents of purported ‘conspiracies.’”

He also said maps with the addresses and phone numbers of victims have been posted online, and some people allegedly impersonating victims and witnesses have filed court motions in the case

Neither the ABC report nor the District Attorney has specified which conspiracies the witnesses are alleged to have participated in, but I’m sure you would only need one guess.

The leading conspiracy theory is that the entire incident was somehow staged by the president’s operatives.