Immigration Racism

Donald Trump Supports Immigration…

…for white people.

When it comes to immigration, you know that the 11 million illegals, even if given the right to vote — you know you’re gonna have to do what’s right — but the fact is 11 million people will be voting Democratic.

You can be out front. You can be the spearhead. You can do whatever you want to do but every one of those 11 million people will be voting Democratic. And you have to be very, very careful, because you could say that, to a certain extent, the odds aren’t looking so great right now for Republicans that you’re on a suicide mission. You’re just not gonna get those votes.

Now, I say to myself — why aren’t we letting people in from Europe? I have many friends. Many, many friends. And Nobody wants to say it, but I have many friends from Europe. They want to come in. People I know. Tremendous people. Hard working people. They can’t come in. I know people whose sons went to Harvard…

Clearly, brown people who immigrate from the south are bound by sacred oath (and because they love Free Stuff) to vote Democratic no matter what, while Anglos from Europe who went to Harvard are more likely to have the good sense to vote for Republicans thus furthering their own Success at the expense of others.

Of course neither of those ideas are true and this line of reasoning, which implies that minorities just want handouts and that white people are the only “tremendous, hard-working people,” is born out of racism and greed. And if it’s true that immigrants would more than likely vote Democratic, it would be because the Republican party retains spokesmen such as Donald Trump who peddle ignorance and racial resentment while the party intellectuals craft budgets that would marginalize and isolate the poor.

The hardest working people in the country are those who cooked your steak and cleaned your bathroom, and we pay them peanuts to do it.