Racism The Media

From The Department of Outreach

Fox News hosts are pulling out all the stops to attack the president’s nominee for Secretary of Labor, Thomas Perez, even going so far as to imply that he is a reverse-racist.

Here’s Hannity on President Obama’s “radical” nominee who, according to the perennially insufferable J. Christian Adams, is a member of the “Hugo Chavez, Sean Penn wing of the Democratic party” — or the “George Soros wing of the Democratic party” depending on who you ask — and a “racialist.”

Of course Fox News has Dennis Kucinich on as their ineffectual token of rebuttal to Sean Hannity’s claim that Thomas Perez was at the center of racial hostility toward white people. White people who, as you know, are constantly being kept down by the black man.

J Christian Adams, who was appointed during the Bush administration. left the Justice Department after officials refused to agree with his pursuit of fictitious cases of reverse-racism. He is now selling books and hitting the talk show circuit where his commentary is passed off as the gospel by outrage pornographers such as Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, and the usual suspects of Hate Radio. Because if there’s anything the Republican party could use right now, it’s a juicy race-baited story that has absolutely no basis in reality but is sure to get people talking.

Perhaps we’re feeding into their wishes by discussing it right now, but I do so to highlight the fact that Adams is a disgrace and not credible, and to point out that any initiative that spawns as a result of the autopsy report produced by the RNC will be blunted by the Conservative Entertainment Complex who can’t afford to pass up a good opportunity to race-bait when one presents itself.

(H/T Media Matters)