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Jeb Bush: Historian Of The Future!

Jeb Bush is making the rounds today, pushing his book, “Immigration Wars: Forging An American Solution,” on five shows, stopping by Meet The Press to remind the country what terrible judgers we are, that his father and brother, George, are really just misunderstood and history will bear this out, saying:

“In his four years as president a lot of amazing accomplishments took place,” said Jeb Bush, the son of former President George H.W. Bush, during an interview on NBC’s Meet the Press.  ”So my guess is that history will be kind to my brother, the further out you get from this and the more people compare his tenure to what’s going on now.”

Amazing accomplishments! That’s how you sell it, babe!

But if that wasn’t enough Bush for one Sunday, he also stopped by Face The Nation to remind the country that President Obama has divided us so, and the last election proves it, saying:

“I think the basic part of his campaign was that those that were successful weren’t paying their fair share, even though we have incredibly high taxes for high income Americans,” Bush said on CBS News’ “Face The Nation.” “I think he ran a campaign of them and us. And it was quite effective, that somehow the Republicans don’t care about the large number of people.”

Had nothing to do with their tax policies, hatred of Obamacare, bizarre attacks on women’s reproductive rights, elderly care, gay rights, religious tolerance, environmental issues, or the disdain they have all shown at one time or another for the working poor in this country, whether caught on tape or written on the walls. They still cannot admit fault, mistakes, or take responsibility for their poor decisions. That’s so Bush.

I remind you that it was Democrats who came together and rallied for Ronald Reagan’s landslide victories in the 80′s, and it was Democrats who gave George W. Bush the benefit of the doubt long after the lies and deception began to fall apart in front of our eyes. Even now, Jeb Bush is rewriting history and the lasting results of a whole country being taken advantage of is not lost on those of us who wish Republicans had just a drop of that bipartisan coming-together-juice for this President.

Democrats know how to rally around Republicans, while Republicans have turned the most dynamic and successful President in modern history in President Barack Obama into a scapegoat for all of their shortcomings. They turned against President Obama long before Day 1 and have never stopped trying to find unprecedented ways to hurt the country to hurt this president.

Jeb Bush went on to say, Republicans need to offer “a compelling alternative” to the President’s portrayal of the GOP, but the reality in which a majority of the country still lives seems to be of no concern to Republicans and Jeb Bush. Full speed ahead. No apologies, no mistakes, and “amazing accomplishments.” They say “history is written by the winners,” but sometimes history is rewritten by the sorest of losers.