Epic Fail Healthcare

The GOP’s Savior is Still on a Crusade to Defund Obamacare

From the department of You Can’t Make This Shit up, Marco Rubio, the Republican Party’s savior, says he would vote for a continuing resolution to prevent the government from shutting down only if it also defunds Obamacare in the process because we must ‘fix the debt.’

via ThinkProgress

RUBIO: Well first of all, I don’t think anyone is in favor of shutting down the government, but I think that’s where we’re headed ultimately here, unfortunately, if we don’t fix our debt problem… But here’s what I’ve said about this continuing resolution. Senator Cruz from Texas is offering this amendment to defund Obamacare. If that gets onto the bill, in essence, if they get a continuing resolution and we can get a vote on that and pass that onto the bill, I’ll vote for a continuing resolution, even if it’s temporary, because it does something permanent, and that’s defund this health care bill, this Obamacare bill, that is going to be an absolute disaster for the American economy. You’re already starting to feel the outer edges of that… I already am running into businesses that are planning next year on not hiring people or laying some people off so they don’t have to meet these mandates. Others are going to push their employees off of their private plans that they offer and onto these exchanges, driving up the cost for the public. So this is going to be an implementation disaster. It’s going to hurt our economy severely. And we’re not spending enough time talking about that.

Obamacare is such a disaster for the economy that we’ve had 36 consecutive months of job growth and the lowest unemployment rate in four years. Cost estimates for Medicare through 2020 have also dropped by $500 billion.

Evidently, Macro Rubio does not ascribe to Mitt Romney’s belief that he lost the 2012 election because The Poors and The Others really love Obamacare. And he won’t vote to keep the government running unless we defund it.

This doesn’t make any sense for Rubio. The issue of Obamacare has been more or less settled. States with Republican Governors who swore they would never take advantage of it, including Rick Scott of all people, are giving in and expanding Medicaid. The Supreme Court has affirmed the law. We just had a national election of historic importance to settle this.

Does anyone know what he’s thinking?

I suppose if Rubio’s position as the Republican party’s Ambassador of Outreach to Immigrants and Tupac Enthusiasts prohibits him from out-conservativing Jeb Bush on immigration, he’ll have to out-conservative him on healthcare. Little does he know extremism on the latter effectively nullifies his relative moderation on the former.
