Congress Environment

The Jury is Still Out

The fox is guarding the hen-house.

via Tim Murphy

As the new chairman of a key House subcommittee on the environment, Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) will be one of the GOP’s leading actors when it comes to the Environmental Protection Agency and the growing threats from climate change. So with his first hearing as chairman on tap for Wednesday, what does the freshman Republican—and end times novelist—think about anthropogenic global warming?

He’s not sure.

The chairman of the House subcommittee on the environment is “not as convinced” as others that humans have anything to do with climate change. And not only that. He also believes there’s “no better example of the overreach of government” than the Environmental Protection Agency and it’s draconian laws that say you can’t kill endangered species on a whim.

Evidently, the House subcommittee on the environment will focus less on how to protect it and more on how to destroy it more efficiently. And I keep asking myself if our congress is really just an elaborate sketch comedy.

We’re all fucked.