The Daily Banter

The Most Terrifying Drone Ever! Run Away!

My Wednesday column begins like so:

When I began the day, I promised myself I wasn’t going to write about drones or Glenn Greenwald or the war on terrorism again, mainly because I’ve written four consecutive posts on the topic with slowly diminishing levels of reception and popularity. I should probably move on for a few days and cover one of my other ongoing narrative beats, but as you can plainly see, I simply can’t help myself. In fact, I started an entirely different post today (about this) until a tweet appeared on my screen that was utterly irresistible. And so I called an audible mid-play and opted instead to write about drones and Glenn Greenwald. Again.

Why? You’ll understand after you read this tweet:


The link takes you to a story out of Monroe, North Carolina, where the local police department has ordered — stop the presses and alert Code Pink! — a drone to augment its law enforcement efforts. [continue reading here]