Gun Fetishists Guns

What Could Go Wrong?

Sheriff David Clarke Jr

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. has a message for his constituents — you can’t count on me!

“Violent crime went up nearly 10 percent in Milwaukee,” Clarke said in the ad, posted by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. “Are you the next victim? You don’t have to be, but that’s your call. Armed criminals are being put back on the street by a soft on crime courts system even before the ink dries on police reports. Are you prepared to handle a life or death threat? Wisconsin’s Personal Protection Act now gives you the same advantage that I have. Now it’s the crook who has to wonder what you might do. It can be a great equalizer, but you always have to think survival. Remember, it’s you and me now.”

Way to restore the public’s faith in our nation’s institutions, Sheriff David Clarke. Thank you for your non-service. Tell me again — why should anyone vote for you next time?

Rapturists like David Clarke who believe the end of civilization is nigh have no business serving as the goddamn county sheriff.