Guns Rand Paul

A Fainting Couch for Rand Paul

Somebody call the wahhmbulance and grab a pair of big boy pants for Senator Rand Paul.

Judging by this story from The New York Times, Paul doesn’t take kindly to having his actions against members of his own party questioned.

The Republican conflict came to the fore last week during a closed-door luncheon for Senate Republicans, when Senator Susan Collins, of Maine, eyes blazing, stood up and complained about a series of attack ads that she was facing back home from a gun-rights group with deep ties to Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky. [...]

Ms. Collins warned her colleagues that if she loses a primary to a strong opponent with gun-rights credentials, it could well cost the party her seat.

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, a freshman ally of Mr. Paul’s, jumped in to promise he had nothing to do with the group, according to officials briefed on the event. Then Mr. Paul, feeling attacked, stormed out. (A spokeswoman for Mr. Paul did not respond to repeated requests for comment.)

Senator Susan Collins pointed out that running attack ads against her may cost the Republican party another Senate seat similar to the way it did in multiple instances in 2012 and, feeling offended, Rand Paul got up and “stormed out” of the room. Because only he is allowed to attack others. Others are not allowed to attack him.

This is a conflicting story in that I both agree with Susan Collins and would take great joy if the likes of Rand Paul and Ted Cruz cost the Republicans another Senate seat.

I can only say keep going! You’re doing great!