Abortion Wingnuts

Nothing Says Pro-Life Like Murder

An Iowa-based anti-abortion activist who was previously interviewed by the FBI thinks it would be “a blessing” if someone shot the staff of the clinic recently reopened several years after the murder of Dr. George Tiller. As you may recall, Fox News host Bill O’Reilly referred to the doctor as “Tiller the Baby Killer” prior to his murder.

In the recording, Leach discusses the fact that Tiller’s former clinic has now been re-opened to the public, and speculates about what would happen if the clinic’s new owners were killed in the same way that Tiller was. “If someone would shoot the new abortionists, like Scott shot George Tiller…hardly anyone will appreciate it but the babies,” he says. “It will be a blessing to the babies. Everyone else will panic. Of all places to open up a killing office, to reopen the one office in the United States more notorious for decades than any other is an act of defiance against God and the last remaining reverence for human life.”

I didn’t intend to encourage anyone to commit murder, I just, you know, told them they would be doing the world a favor if they did commit murder.

We can all live with the relative comfort of knowing that murder-advocating whackaloons and domestic terrorists should have no problem acquiring guns and ammunition. Congress is doing its part to maintain the status quo.

(h/t ThinkProgress)