Benghazi Election 2016

What’s This Really All About?

If you want to know what Benghazimania is really all about — here’s your answer courtesy of The New York Times.

American Crossroads, the Karl Rove-led super PAC, has released the first attack ad of the 2016 campaign, accusing Hillary Clinton of mishandling the Benghazi killings. It’s a pretty shameless spot, filled with innuendo and as many unflattering pictures of the former secretary of state as possible.

This Call of Duty-esque attack ad from Karl Rove contains one misleading claim after another and it’s obviously aimed at beginning the long, slow process of turning back the Hillary tide.

What Karl Rove doesn’t seem to be aware of is that this kind of smear campaign will simply push liberals and moderates to rally around her, not run away from her.

We have a long way to go, but it’s entirely possible Karl Rove will lose another election for Republicans in 2016 if what we see then resembles the same kind of campaigns we saw in 2008 and 2012. He could go 0 for 3.

Whatever legitimate concerns there may have been in the immediate aftermath of the attack last year, this is all about politics at this point. The Republicans are desperate to recapture some of that National Security Mojo President Obama snatched from them like a wig over the last five years.