Glenn Greenwald NSA

Greenwald Conducts Online Chat with Snowden, Inflicting More Damage to Their Cause

In case you missed it, here’s my Tuesday column which I posted way early (yesterday afternoon, in fact).

It seems that every time Edward Snowden emerges from hiding and communicates something through either Glenn Greenwald or other reporters from The Guardian, he loses credibility. It’s not the fault of a government agitprop smear campaign or those of us who are critical of the shoddy reporting that’s botched this story from the beginning. It’s really just Snowden’s own words that tend to flummox his cause. And, frankly, I have no blessed idea if there’s even a Cause any more.

First, over the weekend, Snowden dumped a new packet of documents into the world via The Guardian. This time around, he revealed that the U.K. version of the NSA, the GCHQ, and with the help of the NSA itself, spied on various leaders at the G20 summit, with a particular focus on Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

And this leak is in service of… what exactly? American civil liberties and the Fouth Amendment? Not at all. [READ ON]