Glenn Greenwald NSA Quote

Quote of the Day

“Just shut up. Now. Every time you say stuff like this, you make it easier to marginalize you as a messenger, and you cost yourself allies in the general cause for which you have risked so much. Answer no more questions from Mr. Greenwald or anyone else. Huddle with your legal advisers. (Actually, this is very good advice.) The United States government is not interested in murdering you. If you have proof to the contrary, please provide it, and all answers containing the names “al-Alwaki” or “Rand Paul” will be immediately disallowed by our judges.” Charlie Pierce on Snowden’s claim that he might be assassinated by the U.S. government

This has been my concern all along. Every time he makes another outrageously unsubstantiated claim, he sounds more like a paranoid Ron-Paul-meets-Alex-Jones disciple, with, admittedly, a big brain.