The Left’s Tea Party

I tweeted this yesterday, but in case you missed it… Because I’m not taking a random guy’s word at face value, I’m clearly an apologist for the surveillance state. The extremism is so tea party.

I remember when the Bush administration’s case for Iraq WMD hinged on an Iraqi defector named “Curveball.” I don’t care to blindly jump on the word of a guy who comports as someone he’s not. Until he’s forthcoming, both about the things he knows as well as some of the gaps in the story, I’m going to remain highly skeptical.

This is not an endorsement of government overreach or the war on terrorism. It’s an endorsement of healthy skepticism in the face of a very big story.

But in the meantime, there are a growing number of voices on the left that are sounding like the tea party: either you’re with them or you’re a villain (like Bush, or an Obamabot, etc).