Congress Ethics Far-right Intellectual Violence Lying Liars Quote Republican Party Wingnuts

John Boehner Touts Obstruction As A Success

In an interview on Face The Nation today, Speaker of the House John Boehner explained that congress under his divine leadership shouldn’t be judged by how many laws they pass, or how many lives they improve, but rather how many laws they repeal.

The do-nothings of the 113th congress, so far:


Forget about congress’s gutter trash approval ratings that reside somewhere between ants at a picnic and a crying baby on a bus. This is, according to John Boehner, all about responding to the will of the American people!

“If we’re listening to the American people and we’re following their will, our House will work just fine.”

I’d like to know, who are these “American people” John Boehner thinks he is doing right by and what sort of precautions do the orderlies take at the asylum when they start eating their own feces?