
Over the Weekend, This Erickson Tweet Happened

Erick Erickson — wow — he just can’t stop classing it up with totally thoughtful and insightful nuggets of wisdom like this:

The link goes to a coat hanger supply company. Yes, really.

He later tried to backpedal by explaining that he was hectoring the use of coat hangers in liberal protest rallies. Yeah, okay. Then there was this:

This is one of the most insidious fallacies from the right — that liberals relish in the notion of abortion. Speaking for this liberal, myself, the harsh reality of an abortion procedure, taken alone, is repulsive. But as with many things in life, the choices we make are never clean or easy. We don’t always delight in the path we choose for ourselves, but we often have no other choice given a wide range of circumstances. Sometimes those circumstances lead women to choose an abortion, and as ugly as the procedure might be (many medical procedures run the gamut of ugliness), it must remain a constitutionally protected option for so many reasons. Because if that freedom of choice is taken away, we’ve allowed a mostly male faction of American politics to rescind one of the most personal, private right women have — the right to control what happens or doesn’t happen inside of their bodies.