Poll President Obama

Obama’s Fault

According to a new poll from Public Policy Polling, more Republicans in Louisiana blame President Obama for Hurricane Katrina than former President Bush.

Twenty-eight percent said they think former President George W. Bush, who was in office at the time, was more responsible for the poor federal response while 29 percent said Obama, who was still a freshman U.S. Senator when the storm battered the Gulf Coast in 2005, was more responsible. Nearly half of Louisiana Republicans — 44 percent — said they aren’t sure who to blame.

Meanwhile, Salon tells us today that the president could have told British authorities not to detain Greenwald’s partner if he wanted to. And so what if he doesn’t actually have the authority to tell the British what to do with a citizen of Brazil?

It’s all Obama’s fault.


I think QuestLove was onto something when he wrote “you ain’t shit.”