Racism Wingnuts

Town Hall Season: Crowd Goes Wild for Deporting Girl’s Father

As far as gatherings of deplorable village-folk go, this may be unparalleled.

During a town hall meeting hosted by Representative Scott DesJarlais (R-TN), the crowd in attendance clapped and cheered wildly when he told a little girl that her father should be deported.

MOLINA: My question is I have a dad who’s undocumented and what can I do to stick with him? [Inaudible] I have a dad and he’s undocumented and what can I do so he can stay with me?

DESJARLAIS: Joanna, thank you for being here and thank you for coming forward to speaking to us. This is a big intimidating crowd and I appreciate you coming forward to ask your question. But the answer still kind of remains the same that we have laws and we need to follow those laws and that’s where we’re at.


Yeah! Woo! Cheer! Fuck off little girl’s dad.

Josie Molina is 11 years old and the Republican base just cheered for deporting her father. Because family values. Or something.

I’m all out of snark. These people are horrible.