
What Could Be More Violent?

According to Iowa congressman and secret border control agent Steve King, we shouldn’t allow immigrants into America because they’re violent people.

“If you bring people from a violent civilization into a less-violent civilization, you’re going to have more violence right? It’s like pouring hot water into cold water, does it raise the temperature or not?” -Steve King on Immigration Reform

The obvious question is what could possibly be more violent than America?

There are more than 300 million guns in this country and we have an incredibly high number of gun deaths each year. Anywhere from 30 to 40 percent of the major opposition party in this country fantasizes about armed rebellion on a daily basis, and these dickless wonders do things like carry their guns into Starbucks to show their solidarity for the liberty to accidentally shoot their neighbors, their children, or themselves.


To say that we shouldn’t allow immigrants into the country because they come from a violent culture is not very dissimilar to telling people they should avoid black people because black people are violent. And if we’re going to get into an argument over who’s the bigger caveman, I’m going to suggest that Steve King is.

Proposing that we adopt policies based on racial stereotypes is the essence of racism.