
Assault Rifle Ban Upheld

Good news — the Court of Appeals in the fourth appellate district of California has upheld the state’s ban on assault rifles.

California’s law banning possession of a semi-automatic assault rifle is constitutional, according to a state appeals court that upheld the law Monday against a Second Amendment challenge. As the court’s opinion explains, the Supreme Court’s seminal Second Amendment opinion in District of Columbia v. Heller held that the right to bear arms is “‘not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose,’ but is instead the right to possess and carry weapons typically possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes such as hunting or self-defense.” Ownership of “[d]angerous and unusual weapons” is not protected by the Constitution.

Amazing things happen when you elect a Democratic administration and a Democratic super majority in the legislature.

They do things like break decades-long stalemates over taxes, expand access to abortion, and ban assault rifles.