Abortion War On Women

Outreach: “some refer to them as mothers”

Responding to a critical Valentine’s Day card he received from pro-choice advocates, Virginia state Senator Steve Martin (R) referred to expecting mothers as simply “hosts.”

A pregnant woman is just a “host” that should not have the right to end her pregnancy, Virginia State Sen. Steve Martin (R) wrote in a Facebook rant defending his anti-abortion views. [...]

“I don’t expect to be in the room or will I do anything to prevent you from obtaining a contraceptive,” Martin wrote. “However, once a child does exist in your womb, I’m not going to assume a right to kill it just because the child’s host (some refer to them as mothers) doesn’t want it.”

Got that, ladies? You’re just “hosts” for the specimen growing inside you.

That makes it sounds as if Big Chap is gestating inside you and calling you a mother would only be done in jest if at all.


That may be a uniquely apt analogy. The horrors of H.R. Giger have often been described as being sexual in nature and in some ways symbolize rape and dominance.

Describing mothers as mere “hosts” and then attempting to control their lives could be attributed to rape culture, at least in my book.