Mail Bag The Daily Banter

The Daily Banter Mail Bag: Nate Silver vs Paul Krugman, InfoWars Goon Dan Bidondi and Dating Gwyneth Paltrow.

This week’s questions. Answers here.

1. It is my imagination or has Nate Silver taken on a Greenwaldish tone with the new FiveThirtyEight? It feels like he’s picking petty fights and basically snarking at anyone who criticizes him. Right now he’s in a bitter feud with Paul Krugman. Am I right about this or am I just being biased because he’s picking on the Left?
– Sam

2. Well? Are yoo goona get in the OCTAGON wif Dan Bidondi?!? Come on! He challenjed yoo!!! No seriously, please keep writing about Bidondi. His angry illiterate responses are the best. He’s like a gorilla with a laptop.
– Steve

3. Would any of you date Gwyneth Paltrow? She’s free you know.
– Trish