
Ted Cruz Wants to Impeach a Fictional Attorney General


Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has introduced a resolution to impeach Attorney General Eric Holder over the fake IRS non-scandal, but the fictional person he describes doesn’t sound anything like the real man.

“If attorney general Eric Holder continues to refuse to appoint a special prosecutor, he should be impeached,” Cruz said on the Senate floor. “When an attorney general refuses to enforce the law, when an attorney general mocks the rule of law, when an attorney general corrupts the Department of Justice by conducting a nakedly partisan investigation to cover up political wrongdoing, that conduct by any reasonable measure constitutes high crimes and misdemeanors.”

I don’t know who this “nakedly partisan” man is, but it’s not the man currently serving as the attorney general.

On the contrary, Eric Holder takes the rule of law more seriously than anyone I can recall in recent history, but justice is not found in pushing the boundaries of what you can enforce or who you can imprison. Justice is more than that; it’s striking a balance between the law and the harsh realities of the world we live in. It’s being righteous, but not unjust. Authoritative, but not arrogant.

But that is something today’s Republicans, in their black and white world, will never understand. To understand it requires empathy and the ability to moderate one’s opinion. Jurisprudence is beyond them.

Regardless of your opinion of Eric Holder, what Cruz is demanding is wasteful litigation of a non-case; a fake scandal. There’s no there, there. The nakedly partisan mockery Cruz and his colleagues allude to is a construct of their own imaginations, fantasies, and hubris. Furthermore, the Department of Justice has already launched an investigation into the matter.