Stupid Party

After Tom Cotton Embarrasses Himself and America, Bobby Jindal Says ‘Me Too’

Written by SK Ashby

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal didn't have a chance to sign Tom Cotton's ill-advised letter addressed to Iranian leadership because Jindal is not a senator or a person who really matters at all, but he threw his support behind the letter today and offered excellent advice to his fellow presidential hopefuls.

I can agree with Jindal on at least one thing -- every Republican considering running for president should sign Cotton's letter. That will make it even easier than it already will be to demonstrate that they do not represent the best interests of average Americans.

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif made Cotton and his colleagues look like horse's asses yesterday evening with an eloquent response that Bobby Jindal apparently didn't read.

Tom Cotton's office tweeted an Arabic translation of his letter directly to Zarif under the assumption that he does not read or speak English, but Zarif probably speaks English more fluently, and reads at a higher level, than Cotton does. Zarif received an MA in International Relations from San Francisco State University and obtained a PhD in International Law and Policy from the University of Denver.

Tom Cotton, on the other hand, is just a yokel who dog-whistled and lied his way into office