Stupid Party Super Stupid

Stupid Party Chairman Bobby Jindal Leaves No Money for a Primary

Written by SK Ashby

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal's budget proposal has ruffled a lot of feathers because it includes deep cuts to healthcare and education, but according to the secretary of state, there's another glaring problem.

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) – Secretary of State Tom Schedler says the governor’s spending proposal for the upcoming budget year doesn’t include money to pay for Louisiana to hold a presidential primary.

Schedler told the House Appropriations Committee that Gov. Bobby Jindal’s budget also would force him to shutter his voter outreach division and limit the days museums under his control would be open.

Bobby Jindal forgot to include funding for a presidential primary.

That would be the primary that Jindal ostensibly wishes to participate in as a candidate.

I'm beginning to lose faith that he will run for higher officer and it's a shame because a Jindal campaign would be gloriously entertaining.