Abortion War On Women

Bobby Jindal is an Embarrassment

Written by SK Ashby

Planned Parenthood supporters will hold a rally outside the Louisiana governor's mansion to protest Governor Bobby Jindal's rash decision to terminate Planned Parenthood's Medicaid provider contract.

Bobby Jindal, being the insufferable jackass that he is, will greet Planned Parenthood supporters with a screening of the selectively edited anti-Planned Parenthood videos.

Jindal announced Thursday that he is setting up an outdoor movie screen and speakers outside the governor’s mansion to show the controversial videos, which he said too many of Planned Parenthood’s supporters have refused to watch.

The showing will take place at the exact time of a scheduled protest by Planned Parenthood supporters.

To reiterate -- Planned Parenthood clinics in Louisiana do not provide abortions and, obviously, do not participate in the fetal tissue research program.

Bobby Jindal canceled Planned Parenthood's Medicaid provider contract over nothing. He terminated it on a whim that, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), will violate federal law.

Bobby Jindal is not blocking abortions that were never taking place to begin with. Furthermore, even if Planned Parenthood clinics in Louisiana had provided abortions, federal law already prohibits taxpayer funding for abortions.

The only thing Jindal will accomplish by terminating the state's Medicaid provider contract with Planned Parenthood is landing the state in federal court while depriving women of their Medicaid provider.