
On Immigration, Scott Walker Says Me Too

Wisconsin governor and trailing Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker is courting the Trump vote, saying that his immigration policy is "very similar" to Trump's, but if you take Walker's comments at face value you may think he was the original Trump.

During an interview with Fox News, Walker claimed that he has already called for building a wall on our southern border to protect the western kingdom from whitewalkers immigrants.

"Earlier in the year, I was on 'Fox News Sunday' and laid out what I thought we should do, which is secure the border, which means build the wall, have the technology, have the personnel to make sure it's safe and secure," Walker said in an interview with Fox News.

Walker has not previously called for building a wall as Igor Bobic at the Huffington Post points out.

In the past, Walker has actually said we don't need a wall.

"You hear some people talk about border security and a wall and all that," he said at the time. "To me, I don't know that you need any of that if you had a better, saner way to let people into the country in the first place."

Walker reportedly called for ending birthright citizenship under the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution after his speech at the Iowa State Fair today.

Virtually the entire Republican field of presidential hopefuls is marching to Donald Trump's tune and whoever the eventual nominee is will be wed to amazingly unelectable positions.

We're only two years removed from the Republican party's presidential election autopsy report which called for greater outreach to minority voters.

What happened to that idea?