Immigration Outreach

Big Government: Senate Republicans Will Vote to Punish Sanctuary Cities

Written by SK Ashby

Senate Republicans will bring a bill up for consideration in the Senate today aimed at punishing so-called "sanctuary cities" for not making the deportation of undocumented immigrants their priority.

The Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act was written by Sen. David Vitter, R-Louisiana, and is backed by GOP presidential candidates Sen. Ted. Cruz of Texas and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida. It would block some federal funds to cities that don't cooperate with federal immigration authorities. It would also require a five-year minimum sentence for a person convicted of an aggravated felony who then re-enters the U.S. illegally.

Just what we need: more mandatory minimum sentences that overcrowd our prisons.

Senate Republicans are effectively arguing that local governments should be punished for following their own priorities which, by the way, is not illegal. Cities are not obligated to assist the federal government with the enforcement of immigration law, which is a federal matter.

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (R-NV) has vowed to filibuster the bill in no uncertain terms.

"This vile legislation might as well be called 'The Donald Trump Act,'" Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid said in a floor speech Monday. "Like the disgusting and outrageous language championed by Donald Trump, this legislation paints all immigrants as criminals and rapists."

Even if the legislation were to pass the Senate, the White House stated today that President Obama would veto the bill.