Super Stupid

Ben Carson Says He Has Better Intelligence Sources Than the Pentagon

Written by SK Ashby

Esteemed doctor and secret intelligence agent Ben Carson has not backed away from his claim that China has invaded Syria.

Carson adviser Armstrong Williams told MSNBC that Carson receives his information from his own sources who are "on the ground" in Syria and, according to Carson himself, his sources are better than White House sources.

CARSON: "We'll be releasing some material on that before the weekend is over. [...]

I have several sources that I've gotten material from. I'm surprised my sources are better than theirs."

Given that the White House's sources are the Department of Defense and the entire intelligence community, I find it hard to believe that Carson has better sources than the president does.

I have no idea where Carson is going with this but I'm half expecting him to cite a story from World Net Daily.

We all knew this would be an exceedingly stupid campaign season but this has far surpassed my expectations.