
Donald Trump Will “Strongly Consider” Some Unconstitutional Policy

Written by SK Ashby

In response to the terrorist attacks in Paris, GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump says he will "strongly consider" closing Mosques.

SCARBOROUGH: "Donald Trump, the French are talking about [closing Mosques] is that something that you would consider doing as president?"

TRUMP: "I would hate to do it but it would be something that you're going to have strongly consider because some of the ideas, some of the hatred, absolute hatred, is coming from these areas."

I cannot speak to the laws of France but closing Mosques here in America would undoubtedly be unconstitutional under the First Amendment.

I expect to see a wide range of unconstitutional proposals from the GOP field before this week is over. And speaking of the field, some polls that I'm not quite comfortable quoting yet have shown Trump retaking a commanding lead over Ben Carson. It remains to be seen if that is just noise or if Ben Carson's lying and lunacy has caught up to him. We'll know soon.