Election 2016 Stupid Party

For the Record, Ben Carson Wouldn’t Abort Baby Hitler

Written by SK Ashby

Would the Republican presidential candidates kill baby Adolph Hitler?

Jeb! said "Hell yeah" when he was asked the question, but Ben Carson's response isn't quite as clear.

Q: "As perhaps the most anti-Hitler and the most anti-abortion candidate, would you be in favor of aborting baby Hitler?"

CARSON: "I’m not in favor of aborting anybody."

Carson may not be in favor of aborting Hitler, but would he murder Hitler after he exits the womb?

According to Jeb Bush, you "gotta step up, man."

It remains to be seen if the other Republican candidates will follow Jeb or Carson's lead. We also don't know who among them would hit their mother on the head with a hammer or stab their relatives, although Mike Huckabee did set the record straight that he has never bludgeoned his mother.

The race for the Republican nomination continues. Stand by for more embarrassment.