Foreign Policy

Rick Santorum Has Taken On ISIS? When?

Written by SK Ashby

Rick Santorum has been with Del Griffith. He can take anything.

President Obama and most of the nation mocked the GOP presidential candidates this week for whining about tough primary debate questions while boasting of their ability to take on Vladimir Putin and ISIS.

Former senator and GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum has pushed back in a fundraising letter in which he cites the rhetorical prowess he displayed on The View.

"I’ve taken on the ladies of The View. I’ve gone toe-to-toe with Bill Maher. And I’ve debated Rachel Maddow and won.

More importantly, I’ve taken on ISIS and Iran. They know who I am and I know who they are!"

If Rick Santorum has personally confronted ISIS, I must have missed it. Like everyone else I sometimes space out in the middle of the day and miss the occasional story, but this is the first time I'm hearing of this accomplishment.

Arguing with the cast of The View, or Bill Maher, or Rachel Maddow does not prepare you for foreign policy debates any more than Scott Walker's crusade against public unions did.

As an aside, isn't it remarkable how Iran has almost completely faded from discourse? It's almost as if the threat of Iran was wildly exaggerated.