Foreign Policy Super Stupid

Who Are Ben Carson’s Secret Intelligence Sources? Do They Even Exist?

Written by SK Ashby

Esteemed doctor and secret intelligence agent Ben Carson made the outlandish claim during Tuesday's GOP primary debate that Chinese military forces are in Syria.

That came as a bit of a shock to the rest of the world given that it isn't true, but Carson's adviser Armstrong Williams told MSNBC yesterday that Ben Carson is in contact with sources "on the ground" in Syria and that his claims will be verified any day now.

Also, the "experts" are definitely wrong.

WILLIAMS: "From our own intelligence and what Dr. Carson's been told by people who are on the ground who are involved in that region of the world, it has been told to him may times over and over, that the Chinese are there.

Just because the mainstream media and other experts don't want to see any credibility to it, does not mean some way down the line in the next few days that that story will come out and will be reinforced and given credibility by others. But as far as our intelligence and the briefings that Dr. Carson's been in and I've certainly been in with him, we've certainly been told the Chinese are there."

Just because it isn't true doesn't mean it won't magically become true in the next few days.

The White House, for their part, have not seen Carson's non-existent evidence of phantom Chinese forces.

The White House on Thursday pushed back against Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s claim that China is involved in the conflict in Syria.

“I have not seen any evidence of Chinese military involvement in Syria,” National Security Adviser Susan Rice told reporters when asked about Carson’s remarks.

One wonders if Carson's so-called 'intelligence briefings' include a reminder to drink your Ovaltine.