Election 2016 Stupid Party

John Kasich Might Change His Mind On Supporting the GOP Nominee. Maybe.

Written by SK Ashby

Just as the rest of the Republican presidential field did, Ohio Governor John Kasich signed a pledge to support the GOP nominee regardless of who it is. A few of them may regret signing that pledge, but they aren't necessarily willing to abandon it.

Kasich spoke at the Council on Foreign Relations yesterday where he was asked if he would abandon the pledge.

"I signed the pledge, it's why you have to be careful with pledges you sign, that I would support the Republican nominee," Kasich answered when asked a question by the audience after a speech Wednesday at the Council on Foreign Relations. [...]

"Is it possible that you change your mind?" he asked rhetorically. "Yeah. It takes something extreme to do it."

If Donald Trump hasn't crossed the Rubicon of "extreme" yet, I honestly don't know what it will take.

On second thought, if Donald Trump came out tomorrow and forcefully voiced his support for President Obama, the entire presidential field would abandon the pledge in a hot second. Trump hasn't gone that far yet, he has only called for violating several different amendments of the Constitution.

Kasich also told the audience at the Council on Foreign Relations that there's "no way" Donald Trump will be the nominee, but I don't think that's up to him.