National Security Super Stupid Women in Combat

GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter is Terrified of Women

Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA) has a scorching hot take on women in the military and, more specifically, Navy Secretary Ray Mabus's decision to open all marine combat posts to women.

According to Hunter, Ray Mabus and women in the military are a bigger threat than terrorism. And to be clear, Duncan Hunter is equal opportunity in that he also believes transgender people are a grave threat to our security.

Rep. Duncan Hunter has had enough of Navy Secretary Ray Mabus' strong support for opening all Marine combat posts to women, declaring him "a greater threat to the Marine Corps than ISIS.” [...]

“The reason the military is there is not to be a transgender, corporate organization,” Hunter said, referring to the Pentagon’s plans to allow transgender service members to serve openly. “The military is there to execute American policy overseas, protect our allies and kill our enemies. It’s not a corporation. We’re not all treated equal.”

I imagine if Congressman Hunter had been around during the Truman administration, he would have opposed racial integration of the military because we're "not all treated equal."

Hunter says he will introduce legislation that will in some way prohibit women from serving in combat roles because, at least in his mind, he knows better than the Pentagon what's best for the service and for America.

I can't wait to see the exact language of the bill if it ever surfaces. What will it say? 'Women cannot adequately serve in combat because I say so and because they have cooties.'