
Chairman Trey Gowdy Commits to NOT Doing His Job

Written by SK Ashby

Outgoing Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz blasted Congress on his way out the door for not exercising proper oversight of ...Hillary Clinton's emails... but the new chairman, Trey Gowdy, has no plans to exercise proper oversight or much oversight at all.

Gowdy says his committee will not investigate Russian interference in the election or anything even related to that.

I told Bob Mueller Tuesday that I would never do anything wittingly or unwittingly that veered over into his lane,” Gowdy said in an interview with a handful of reporters in the Oversight panel’s cavernous hearing room. “His lane is broad and is undetermined at this point.” [...]

“Allegations of criminal or quasi-criminal activity is squarely within Mueller’s jurisdiction. The process by which security clearances are granted needs to be tightened amended changed, I’m all for it,” said Gowdy, 52, a former federal prosecutor in South Carolina.

We don’t investigate crime. That’s been my position for the seven years that I’ve been here” on the committee.

And I suppose we all just imagined the past decade of witch hunts and chicken fucking predicated on the idea that the Obama administration or Hillary Clinton committed crimes that have yet to be determined.

It may or may not be proper to stay out of the special prosecutor's way, but Trey Gowdy and his colleagues displayed no concern for jurisprudence in the past. Virtually every Republican-controlled committee, even the seemingly unrelated committees, took up the task of searching for crimes under the Obama administration and, when that didn't work, they created whole new committees to look for crimes.

If Hillary Clinton were president right now, nothing would stop Gowdy and the GOP from pushing the outer limits of their mandate and authority in search of any action or behavior that even remotely seems suspicious.

Under Trump, they couldn't care less.