
Defense Contractors Love Children

Posted by JM Ashby

Figuratively and literally.

Following previous reports of contractors taking part in the child prostitution business in the Balkans, Iraq, and Afghanistan, we now have confirmation of the fact that it is still taking place in Afghanistan thanks to Wikileaks and their publishing of leaked State Department cables.

In a May 2009 meeting interior minister Hanif Atmar expresses deep concerns that if lives could be in danger if news leaked that foreign police trainers working for US commercial contractor DynCorp hired "dancing boys" to perform for them.

I'll spare the details on what "dancing boys" are. You can follow the link and read for yourself if you care to. Employees of DynCorp Inc, a defense contractor, have been implicated in cases of child sex slavory and prostitution as far back as 2002 and it would seem that the practice continues to this day.

There are a variety of opinions out there concerning Wikileaks, but you have to admit that such an organization wouldn't be necessary if accountability was more widely practiced within the Pentagon and the State Department. Like it or not, defense contractors represent us while they are in other countries and they are being paid with taxpayer dollars. The American people deserve to know this kind of information.