
Desperate Republicans Using Dead People to Attack Shaheen


The Republican party of New Hampshire is apparently so desperate they’re digging up quotes from the dead to attack Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D).

The state party submitted an op-ed written by deceased former House Speaker Marshall Cobleigh.

“As is usual with poll-driven politicians, Jeanne Shaheen is running television commercials and writing op-ed pieces addressing the dominant problem facing America — skyrocketing gasoline prices — but providing no real solutions,” the piece began. “Evan worse, anyone who knows her history also knows that during her entire career she has been a big part of the problem.”

There was an unusual wrinkle: Cobleigh died in February 2009. The op-ed was actually a reprint of when it was first published in July 3, 2008.

To add insult to injury, the op-ed is entirely out of context in time and space.

Cobleigh couldn’t have known before his death that, in the year 2014, gas prices would bottom out and domestic energy production would explode. And you can thank a Democratic administration for both.

Cobleigh also couldn’t have known that a bumbling Ken doll like Scott Brown would one day run for office in a state that is not his real home and that his words would be reprinted out of context to attack Brown’s opponent.