Election 2016

“Didn’t Vote” Won in a Landslide

Written by SK Ashby

In all but a handful of states, the most popular choice in the 2016 election was nobody.

As you can see above, only a small cluster of states saw more people vote than stay at home and if you only counted those states, Hillary Clinton actually would have won.

Unfortunately, the electoral college will install Trump as our next president soon even though Hillary Clinton currently leads by over 1 million (and growing) votes nationally.

But just because a whole hell of a lot of people decided to stay home on election day doesn't mean they'll refrain from complaining when their own lives become miserable. When the Republican Congress moves to privatize Medicare and Social Security, the people who stayed home on election day may complain louder than anyone, and I'm going to remind them that they're responsible for it.

I'm still trying to piece together how I feel about this election, but right now it looks and feels awfully familiar to the 2000 election.

We had a qualified Democratic candidate torn down by the political press and 3rd party agitators and an unqualified buffoon was elected while losing the popular vote. The only thing missing was hanging chads.

But the consequences of this election will be far more severe. George W. Bush may look like a relatively good alternative in the very near future.