Election 2016 Family Values

For Some Unknowable Reason, Team Trump Wants to Talk About Marital Fidelity Now

Written by SK Ashby

Team Trump's takeaway from last night's debate appears to be that Trump simply wasn't ugly enough.

Considering what has transpired following the debate, I can see no other conclusion.

Trump campaign manager/spokesperson Kellyanne Conway has made the case that Trump should be commended for not talking about Bill Clinton's infidelity, as if that's somehow a winning argument, while top Trump surrogate Rudy Giuliani says Clinton is "too stupid to be president" for reasons.

Hillary Clinton’s decision to stand by her husband and attack former White House intern Monica Lewinsky when news of a sexual relationship between the two broke in 1998 prove that the former secretary of state is “too stupid to be president,” Rudy Giuliani said Monday night. [...]

“The president of the United States, her husband, disgraced this country with what he did in the Oval Office and she didn’t just stand by him, she attacked Monica Lewinsky. And after being married to Bill Clinton for 20 years, if you didn’t know the moment Monica Lewinsky said that Bill Clinton violated her that she was telling the truth, then you’re too stupid to be president.”

How many times over the years have we seen spouses literally stand by their (Republican) man after he's been caught in some kind of sex scandal? How many of them were attacked for their loyalty? None that I can recall, and one of their husbands was caught paying prostitutes to change his diapers.

Giuliani and Trump himself have both been married multiple times and/or have multiple children from multiple wives. I am personally not in the relationship judging business, but they certainly are. And if saying Clinton is "too stupid to be president" because she stood by her husband is now the official position of the Trump campaign, Republicans should be permanently disbarred from preaching about "family values" ever again.

The absurdity of the Religious Right and the so-called "values voters" who've endorsed a thrice-married candidate who's attacking a woman for standing by her husband is difficult to fully quantify. This is the Religious Right at their most hypocritical and perhaps even fatal moment ever.