
Gun Show Loophole

A few weeks ago, I posted a photo of a ridiculously misogynistic billboard for a local gun show. At the time, I commented to my wife that in addition to the awful billboard, we can expect a wide array of militia crazies to exploit the gun show loophole. I was wrong. Pennsylvania doesn't have a loophole. But many neighboring states do. For example:

One year ago ABC News followed Reema's brother Omar to a gun show in Richmond, Va. Within a few minutes of arriving, Omar was able to purchase a glock handgun, the same make of gun used to kill at Virginia Tech.

After one hour at the show, Omar walked away with a handful of guns, all purchased without one single background check.

Watching the entire transaction was former ATF agent Jerry Nunziato.

"There was nothing illegal about their transactions," Nunziato said.

Nice. I'm glad to see this ad running -- in fact, without it, I wouldn't have known about the Pennsylvania law.