
House Republicans Tried to Screw Retirees Last Night

Written by SK Ashby

While the rest of us were focused on the Democratic protest for gun control, House Republicans were doing the Lord's work. The Lord being Free Market Jesus.

The Obama administration drafted a new regulation requiring financial advisers to prioritize the best interests of their clients over their own interests.

That may seem like common sense to you, but House Republicans were deeply offended by the idea that advisers should not be allowed to legally fuck over their clients. To that end, Republicans passed a resolution that would overturn the regulation; a resolution President Obama vetoed.

House Republicans tried to override the veto last night.

Wednesday night shortly after 10 p.m., House Speaker Paul Ryan (R) and his Republican colleagues returned to the House floor to hold a vote on a resolution that would override Obama’s veto, stepping over the Democratic lawmakers on the floor who shouted “No bill no break” over the voting. The vote failed, given that Republicans fell more than 40 votes short of the two-thirds majority necessary.

Don't tell me both parties are the same. Republicans interrupted a protest for gun control to show their support for financial swindlers.