Rand Paul

If You Fact-Check Rand Paul You’re an Idiot, Says Rand Paul

Fake libertarian and presidential polling asterisk Rand Paul has released a new book titled Our Presidents & Their Prayers: Proclamation of Faith by America’s Leaders which, as it turns out, is full of fake quotes that were never uttered by our former presidents.

Rand son of Ron responded to these accusations and, as you can see, he's had just about enough of the diabolical liberal media and, more specifically, Buzzfeed's Andrew Kaczynski.

"The only criticisms have come from some guy who’s a partisan. We discount partisans. However, there’s a ridiculous cottage industry out there of people who think they’re smarter than everyone else, and because certain quotes are disputed – well, yeah! If you want to say something’s not a Thomas Jefferson quote, you can get a whole book on whether it’s a quote or not."

"I mean, this idiot says the same thing about my speeches," Paul said. "Do I need to say in my speech, 'as many people attribute to Thomas Jefferson, but some people dispute,' before I give the quote? It’s idiocy, it’s pedantry – it’s ridiculous stuff from partisan hacks. And I’d say that guy’s one of ‘em."

If you cannot confirm a quote is a real quote, it may be best if you did not include it in your book.

Attributing fake quotes -- quotes which are clearly just as fake as Rand's political philosophy -- to former presidents and other historical figures is not a minor detail and scrutinizing the veracity of Rand's claims is not pedantry.

Donald Trump could make my day, perhaps even my week, by bringing this up at tonight's GOP primary debate.